Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Strange Addiction: Baby Wipes

I don't know if I'll get in trouble for making this post and I sure hope I don't. But it's directly related to my topic and I feel like I really need to share it.

I don't know how many of you like to watch this show. It's just something that interests me. Tonight I was watching it on TLC and one of the stories in the episode really interested me.

This 43-year-old woman is addicted to baby wipes. Strange I know but I feel that she has a pretty valid reason to be "addicted" to them. When she was a child she was very severly abused. Proceeding the abuse she would be put into the shower. (I can only assume it was to wash away the blood from the way she was describing it but she never actually said that was the reason.) The shower was also what ended the abuse.

Just imagine, being terrified of something that people do every single day of their lives. How awful! ):

So she was explaining that she only showers about once every month because the shower terrify's her. And to replace this hygenic act, she turned to baby wipes. In the episode she said that after a while she stopped going out with friends or going to her children's school events because she was afraid that people would judge her because she wasn't clean.

At the end of the episode she turned to a therapist and has slowly started to overcome her fear of the shower because she doesn't want to rely on the baby wipes all the time.

Over 20 years and have passed, and this woman is still battling with the abuse from her past. It really does take a toll on people. Bigger than some of us would have imagined.


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