Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Tremendous Recovery

Sorry that yesterday's post was so depressing. I promise today's will not be haha!

After all of that happened and I was waiting for sentencing I turned to sports. Something to keep my mind off of everything.

What I didn't expect was how much morals and values I would take from them. Everyone that I trained with in wrestling and martial arts all became family to me. It's kind of hard not to when you spend most of your time with them.

From after school practices, to long weekend tournaments, to just regular wrestling meets. Everyone was close and we all learned so much from each other.

You form friendships that will last forever even if you don't see each other every day. This man in the picture beside me was my high school wrestling coach. I've know him for a very long time. I was around when both of my older brothers wrestled and we were all coached by him.

He taught me that no matter how hard your life or the match before you was and you just felt like giving up, don't. It won't make you stronger if you quit. It won't teach you anything. If you don't give up and try your hardest, even if you don't succeed you will learn from your mistakes and become better. Become stronger. Become wiser.

I know I'm not perfect and I still have a lot of life to live. But with the things that I've experience and overcome, I know that I will never be the same as I was. I will have many more obstacles I'm sure, and I am ready to overcome those too. And I know that I have so many people who will support me and be there for me when I am falling.



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